6 Mathis Bills Unanimously Pass Committees This Week

Sacramento –  This week, 6 of Assemblyman Mathis’ bills unanimously passed their respective Committees. These bills dealt with key issues impacting the state, including education, ecosystems, energy, Veterans, the IDD community, and agriculture. 

  • AB 2053, which passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee, would require that when students are taught about adolescent relationship abuse & intimate partner violence, they are provided with information on the resources available to them, including national and local domestic violence hotlines, which provide confidential support services for pupils.

“With domestic abuse rates in the US rising, it’s important that our youth are provided with the domestic violence resources that are available to them should they ever need them. AB 2053 is a bipartisan measure to address a rising issue facing many students, and ensures that the most vulnerable & susceptible students are provided with the resources needed to break a cycle of abuse and receive the treatment, support and care that they need and deserve,” said Assemblyman Devon Mathis.

  • AB 2252, which passed the Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee, would require the Department of Fish & Wildlife to start the process of releasing beavers into the ecosystem.

“Beavers are a keystone species vital to the ecosystem. Research shows that beavers help mitigate drought, prevent flooding, spread water to support biodiversity, protect vegetation during wildfires, facilitate high levels of carbon storage, and help combat climate change. There are few animals, let alone companies or government initiatives, which protect the climate as well as the beaver does,” said the Assemblyman.


  • AB 2567, which passed the Assembly Higher Education Committee, would require higher education institutions to include data pertaining to housing for students that are Veterans in existing reports published to their websites and submitted to the legislature.

“AB 2567 would allow for greater insight into how students that are Veterans fare in our higher education institutions. Data drives great public policy, and we as a Legislature need to make sure that the policies we enact are not leaving Veterans behind when they attempt to pursue higher education. As a Veteran myself, I am fully aware of some of the challenges Veterans face when pursuing higher education so I look forward to this bill being passed into law so we can help take care of those who risked their lives to take care of us” said Assemblyman Mathis.

  • AB 2745, which passed the Assembly Agriculture Committee, would authorize a County Agricultural Commissioner to levy a civil penalty against those who knowingly maintain a premise, plant, or conveyance that is infested with any pest determined to be a public nuisance and fail to rectify it.

“If you ask anyone who owns or works on a farm, they will tell you that a pest infestation can ruin an entire years’ yield. Our agriculture & ecosystem is under constant attack from invasive pests that, if left unchecked, can destroy entire agricultural industries, thereby threatening the supply of millions. AB 2745 will give County Agricultural Commissioners a much needed enforcement tool to combat negligent properties that willingly harbor invasive pests & species.” said the Assemblyman.

  • AB 2147, which passed the Assembly Transportation Committee, would require the Resources Conservation & Development Commission and the California Air Resources Board to include information on the progress made on job creation and workforce development in support of hydrogen fueling within its annual report.

“Considering the state has a goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2045, it’s important that policymakers are presented with all the data before we enact climate policy. Hydrogen is a carbon-free source that can help us meet our climate goals while creating jobs & lowering energy costs at the same time. Unfortunately, these climate goals are not achievable if we don’t have a skilled workforce able to develop & build the necessary infrastructure. AB 2147 will give us more information on hydrogen fueling so Legislators can maximize the economic & climate benefits that hydrogen provides,” said Assemblyman Devon Mathis.

  • AB 2423, which passed the Assembly Human Services Committee, would require the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to biennially review and update the service rates provided to caregivers who service those within the IDD Community.

“The treatment and care for those within the IDD community is not, and should not, be a partisan issue. The state has the responsibility to provide care and support for the most vulnerable and marginalized communities within California. AB 2423 addresses a long-standing funding issue and ensures that regional centers are provided with the necessary resources to provide those within the IDD community with the services and care they deserve,” said the Assemblyman.
