9 Mathis Bills Pass Legislature

Mathis Main Pic

Sacramento – This week, the 2023 – 2024 Legislative Session ended and Assemblyman Mathis’s Office sent 9 bills to the Governor, the most of any Republican in the State Legislature. Assemblyman Mathis issued the following statement upon the conclusion of the Legislative Session: 

“I’m very pleased that the Legislature passed my bills to increase infrastructure development, protect our Farmers, and support our Veterans. My bills that passed include ones that will assist Veterans who pursue post-secondary education, improve the 988 suicide hotline to address Veterans’ suicide, help Farmers avoid legal trouble if they accidentally kill an endangered species, and speed up applications for water storage projects. I want to thank my team, both in the Capitol & in the District, my colleagues in the Legislature, and groups from my District for your collaboration and dedication. Unfortunately, there were some bad bills that also passed the Legislature. Democrats passed bills that increase taxes on Californians, expand burdensome regulations on small businesses, and even to ban red Skittles! My colleagues on the other side don’t seem to realize that we have a mass exodus of Californians to other states and that if we want to halt that exodus, we can’t continue implementing the same policies that pushed our residents out. We have a tax system that stifles economic development, a regulatory environment that prohibits us from investing in water storage, and rising violent crime rates that show no sign of slowing. These are the issues we should seek to fix rather than doubling down on the failed policies that have devastated our state. Despite these setbacks, I will continue to push for policies that reverse the decline of our State.”
