

Progressive Dems Blow More Hot Air Than Cows Ever Could

By: Assemblyman Devon J. Mathis California’s agriculture community produces nearly half of the country’s fruit, nuts, and vegetables, and is responsible for feeding millions of families at home and around the globe. With nearly 70,000 farming operations across 24.3 million…

District Casework Since 2020

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Being your state representative is about more than introducing and voting on legislation, it’s about serving and helping my constituents. Since January 2020, my office and I have helped over 3,000 members of our community resolve a government related issues.…

No Storage, Only Enforcement

Sacramento– Today, Assemblymember Devon J. Mathis (R-Porterville) issued the following statement in response to discussions during an informational Budget Committee hearing on Governor Newsom’s January Budget:  “It is beyond frustrating that each year we have to beg and plead with…