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Past Legislative Successes

Leg Year - 2023-2024

AB 248: Individuals with Disabilities: The Dignity for All Act.

Repeals obsolete provisions that cite “mentally retarded persons,” “mentally retarded children,” “retardation,” and “handicap” from State law.


AB 298: Honoring Our Blind Veterans Act.

Creates a permanent braille American flag in the State Capitol Building to serve as a monument to blind veterans, using private funds.


AB 322: Veteran and California National Guard Supplemental Orientation Act of 2023.

Requires each campus of the California Community Colleges (CCC) and the Trustees of the California State University (CSU), and requests the Regents of the University of California (UC), to include the location and contact information of the campus point of contact for students who are U.S. veterans or their dependents to all incoming students during student orientation.


AB 356: California Environmental Quality Act: Aesthetic Impacts.

Streamlines the refurbishment of properties for much-needed housing by specifying that aesthetic effects are not considered significant effects on the environment if the project involves the refurbishment, conversion, repurposing, or replacement of an existing building.


AB 606: California Endangered Species Act: Accidental Take: Farms or Ranches.

Extends for another five years an important exemption within the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) that allows California farmers and ranchers to produce their product without fear of penalties under CESA if they accidentally kill a species listed as a candidate, threatened, or endangered.


AB 682: State Water Resources Control Board: Online Search Tool: Funding Applications.

Streamlines the processing of applications for the state drinking water system by requiring the State Water Board (SWB) to update its online search tool for funding applications to include additional needed information and updates, the causes of any prolonged delays, and the process involved.


AB 883: Business Licenses: United States Department of Defense SkillBridge Program.

Extends current expedited licensure privileges for honorably discharged veterans to active duty veterans who are transitioning out of service by requiring the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) licensing board to expedite the licensure process for active duty or retired Veterans who are enrolled in the U.S. Department of Defense SkillBridge program.


AB 960: School Safety: Web-Based or App-Based School Safety Programs.

Promotes a school safety policy that will save the lives of students and faculty in the event of an active shooter incident or natural disaster by encouraging all public schools with an enrollment of 100 pupils or more to implement a web-based or app-based school safety program.


AB 988: Miles Hall Lifeline and Suicide Prevention Act: Veteran and Military Data Reporting.

Requires providers delivering mental health crisis services through the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline to annually report on the number of Veterans or active military personnel who used the service.


AB 1452: State Capitol: Iraq Afghanistan Kuwait Veterans Memorial Monument.

Creates a permanent, statewide tribute to veterans of conflicts in the Middle East by placing a monument honoring their services on the grounds of the State Capitol, using private funds.


AB 1982: Firearm Safety Certificate: Exemptions.

Simplifies the process for Veterans to obtain a firearm by allowing Veteran Health Identification Cards to be used as proof that they are not required to obtain a firearm safety certificate.


AB 2053: Pupil Instruction: Abusive Relationships.

Ensures students who are affected by relationship abuse or intimate partner violence are provided with resources that help connect them with services to break a cycle of abuse and receive the treatment, support and care that they need.


AB 2293: Joint Powers Agreements: Health Care Services.

Expands healthcare services within the State by authorizing one or more private, nonprofit mutual benefit corporations, formed for purposes of providing health care services, to join a joint powers authority (JPA) or enter into a joint powers agreement with one or more public entities established under the act.


AB 2423: Developmental Services: Rates.

Requires the Department of Developmental Services to biannually review and update the regional center provider rates and reimbursements for services provided to the IDD Community to ensure that the most vulnerable among us get the care and support they need to lead happy and satisfying lives.


AB 2567: Public Postsecondary Education: Student Housing: Data Collection: Veterans. 

Helps the Legislature better service students who are Veterans by requiring the California Community College (CCC) and California State University (CSU), and requests the University of California (UC), when publishing the existing report on student housing availability and waitlists, to include statistics on the number of students who are Veterans.