Recognizes September 20, 2018, and every year thereafter on that date, as California Surfing Day.
SCR 126: 50th Anniversary Of The Napa County Agricultural Preserve
Recognizes September 20, 2018, and every year thereafter on that date, as California Surfing Day.
SCR 126: 50th Anniversary Of The Napa County Agricultural Preserve
Recognizes 2018 as the milestone 50th Anniversary of the Napa County Agricultural Preserve.
Recognizes May 2018 as National Mental Health Awareness Month in California to enhance public awareness of mental illness.
Designates the month of April 2018 as Aviation Awareness Month.
SCR 130: California Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month
Designates April 2018 as California Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month.
Designates Monday, May 7, 2018, as California Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, and urges all Californians to remember those individuals who have given their lives for our safety and express appreciation to those who continue to dedicate themselves to making California a safer place in which to live and raise our families. Recognizes California’s peace officers who were killed in defense of their communities.
Recognizes the month of May 2018 as National Military Appreciation Month.
Proclaims June 2018 as California Grown Flower Month.
Declares June 2-9, 2018, as the California Invasive Species Awareness Week.
Urges the 115th Congress and the President of the United States to rename any federal buildings, parks, roadways and highway markers, landmarks, or other federally owned property, such as United States military bases, that bear the names of elected or military leaders of the Confederate States of America, and urges Congress to remove statues or busts of elected or military leaders of the Confederate States of America in the United States Capitol and place them in museums.
Respectfully memorializes the Congress and the President of the United States to enact H.R. 2902 pending before Congress that would fully fund IDEA [the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act].
Urges the federal government and the U.S. International Boundary Water Commission (USIBWC) to take immediate action to adequately address cross-border pollution in the Tijuana River Valley.