SACRAMENTO – Today, Assemblymember Devon J. Mathis (R-Visalia) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s State of the State address:

“The Governor made a lot of good points today in his state of the state address. However, the facts are simple. The Democrats have had the majority for quite some time. The Republicans have been calling for the streamlining of CEQA and cutting red tape on housing for years.”

“We need to deal with the underlining problem of mental and behavioral health. Not all of the issues the Governor stated can be solved by just giving someone a home. We need to reinvest in the social aspect and give these folks a hand up and path for success.”

“As the Governor stated, we need to hold people accountable. That being said, maybe the majority should take a long look in the mirror to see that some of their policies maybe be the cause of this crisis.”

“Let’s not forget that California leads the nation in the highest taxation rate, one of the highest poverty rates, and the most unsheltered homeless people living on the streets in the country. This did not happened over night. Plain and simple, throwing more money at the issue will not solve anything.”

Assemblymember Devon J. Mathis represents the 26th Assembly District, which includes the communities of Tulare, Inyo, and Kern Counties. Follow him on Facebook at and on Twitter at @AD26Mathis